Monday, November 15, 2010

Will (ch.7)

Dear Book of Thoughts,
  Today was not as good as I thought it would be. Uurrgghh! Everyone struggled to stay awake and find William deep in the night. They were worried and they sadly discovered him stretched on the grass, motionless and dead. Elizabeth was hurt the most emotionally I think.I wonder if I have a working heart because I think I am feeling a little sympathy shining through (Only for Lizzy though). Everyone thinks poor Justine Moritz is the murderer. She is one-hundred percent innocent and no one seemed to believe Victor. Victor seemed very suspicious of me. I saw him on his way to his fathers house deep in the night. I will never forget the face he made when he witnessed me. It was like he discovered an unknown, hideous monster before him. He stared as if I were doing what was proclaimed impossible to humans.
                                                                                     From Unknown Frankenstein
  p.s. I realized I do not have a name )_:    (tear)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Saphira. I suggest that you put more details in your posts. The more details you have the better grade you will get because Mrs. T LOVES details! You are on the right track but you need to expand more. And you were given a character to write over. I hope you take my advice... I'm only looking out for you and giving you encouragement. And this is not as hard as you think it is, its pretty easy. :]
