About Me :D

My name is Saphire and the last thing I want to know is  how to live the right way. I refuse to get angry at someone. I either get even without them knowing or go into a quick deep depression(usually last ten minutes). Most people find me hilarious and others say I am annoying, but everyone says I give spectacular advice. I have used my great talent to better my family and most of my friends. Anyone who who knows me will come to me with a frown and treat me differently than they would anyone else. For example, two of my best friends were fighting over the stupidest thing. I talked to both of them separately without the other one knowing and the fighting just stopped immediately. I am also a terrific friend to many different people. Here are a few of my favorite things. My favorite.......

color: purple
show: Avatar the Last Air bender
movie: Tinker Bell
insect: butterfly
animal: pony
song: Fireflies by Owl City
pet: puppies